O U R  B L O G

5 Grooming Christmas Gift Ideas for the Men in Your Life

December 7, 2020

We get it; men can be impossible to buy for. They don’t ask for much, and you have to constantly ask them for ideas. For those long suffering partners, here are some ideas for gifts to slip into their stockings or stick under the tree. These gifts are sure to put you on the nice … Read more

Straight Razor Shave vs. Electric Razor Shave

November 30, 2020

One of the great things about having facial hair is how versatile it can be. From mustaches, to a clean shave or a perfectly groomed beard, the options are essentially endless. However, in order to keep your look sleek and put together, you’re going to have to shave at some point and some of us … Read more

The Classic Barber Tradition Lives in Sarasota

November 9, 2020

Do you miss a classic barbershop with barbers working hard to give you the best look? You don’t have to crave this anymore because you can enjoy the classic barber tradition at the Barber Chair in Sarasota Florida.



"Great place. Ray is great for guys. Was referred to him by younger 26 year old. I'm 43, so... Awesome!!"
Robert A. Olsen -- Sarasota, FL