April 11th is National Barbershop Quartet Day!

National Barbershop Quartet Day is on April 11th. This style of music was originally recorded during the late 1800s while men waited for haircuts at barber shops. They enjoyed their visits by singing and harmonizing with the barbers as well as other clients. Barbershop music has gained popularity over the centuries and male and female quartets compete not only nationally, but all around the globe.

April 11th National Barbershop Quartet Day

Strongly established as a part of African American history, this sound turned into a genre called barbershop music. This is a style of harmonized singing known as a cappella, which means it doesn’t need music to go along with it. Each quartet sang songs with simple lyrics and ear-appealing melodies. On April 11,1938, roughly 25 men convened in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and had a quartet singing competition. They continued to get together and increase in participants; therefore, creating a comeback in barbershop music. The Society of Preservation and Encouragement of BarberShop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. was ultimately born. As of 2004, this organization has been customarily known as the Barbershop Harmony Society.

An all-women organization named Sweet Adelines International was founded in 1945. Then, Harmony, Inc. was founded in 1959 as a diverse organization open to men and women who sing in the quartet together and participate in challenges worldwide. In case you are wondering exactly what barbershop music sounds like, simply do an online search and get ready to hear its soothing, catchy sound.

In celebration of National Barbershop Quartet Day, you can probably locate performances to attend somewhere in your vicinity. If you have a passion for singing and are musically inclined, why not join a quartet. Consider becoming part of a local quartet, or start one of your own with a few like-minded friends.

The Barber Chair is a well-known establishment that offers a variety of services to customers. We treat our clients like family and provide outstanding service. We are located at 5340 Clark Road in Sarasota. Our phone number is (941) 552-6255. We hope to see you soon!