Learn About Proper Barbershop Etiquette

Many men have been to the barbershop at least once in their lives. It may have been a long time ago when they were younger, or perhaps it was just recently. If it has been awhile since you have been to the barbershop, you may need a refresher on etiquette. Here is some information on barbershop etiquette that might be useful.

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Straight Razor Shave vs. Electric Razor Shave

One of the great things about having facial hair is how versatile it can be. From mustaches, to a clean shave or a perfectly groomed beard, the options are essentially endless. However, in order to keep your look sleek and put together, you’re going to have to shave at some point and some of us have to do it every single day. So, are you a straight razor person or do you rock an electric razor? There are pros and cons to both methods, and here at the Barber Chair, we wanted to give you all the information you could possibly need to help you decide which will work best for you!

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